(See also Accurate Knowledge; Curiosity; Education; Foreknowledge; Learning; Study; Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad)
accountability from: w96 9/15 17
“advance knowledge” (2Pe 3:17): w10 7/15 5-6; w08 11/15 22
amount available: w05 4/15 3-4
avoiding mental permafrost: w93 8/15 15-16
“becomes pleasant” (Pr 2:10): w99 11/15 26-27
Bible usage of term: w93 6/15 13-14
‘concealed in Jesus’ (Col 2:3): it-2 180-181; w94 12/15 15
discussion: it-2 180-182
dwelling with wife “according to knowledge” (1Pe 3:7): kl 143-144; w89 5/15 13; w89 6/1 14
“easy” for “understanding one” (Pr 14:6): w04 11/15 28-29
“falsely called ‘knowledge’” (1Ti 6:20): w00 12/1 30; w94 4/1 13; w94 12/15 16; g89 6/22 26
fear of Jehovah is beginning of (Pr 1:7): it-2 180, 704; w06 9/15 17; w99 9/15 13-14; rs 288-289
gift from God: it-1 936-937
gift of spirit: w92 7/15 30-31
Greek words: it-2 181-182; w89 12/1 11
Hebrew words: it-2 181
“increases pain” (Ec 1:18): it-2 182; w93 8/15 12
Jehovah’s knowledge: w03 8/1 10-11; kl 6-7
being known by Jehovah: w11 9/15 25-29
of his servants: w12 4/15 27-28; w11 9/1 15; w06 9/1 16; w05 2/15 16; g04 1/22 11; w02 4/15 15-16; w95 4/1 11-14; w93 10/1 10-20; w90 1/15 21-24
“key of” (Lu 11:52): it-2 148; w17.11 15-16; w91 3/15 5
knowing fellow Christians well: w20.04 16-18; km 5/04 4; km 9/98 1; km 8/94 1
“knowing good and bad” (Ge 3:22): it-2 181, 963, 1011
knowing Jehovah: w19.12 16-17, 19-21; wp19.1 3-16; w18.02 8-12; it-2 704, 1010; bhs 12-14; jy 280; bh 12-15; w13 10/15 27-28; w11 5/15 21; w10 11/1 30; jr 140-150, 152-153; w08 9/1 3-7; w03 2/15 4-7; w02 12/15 8-10; gf 5-7; w98 5/1 6-7; w98 8/1 12; w93 6/15 13-14; wi 19-24; gt chapter 116; w90 3/1 13-14; w87 4/1 4-7; tp 163-165
accurate knowledge: w93 9/15 16; w90 3/1 13; ti 30; w87 4/15 15-16, 19-20
aiding Bible students in: w08 1/15 11
aid in using power of reason: w95 6/15 20-21
“coming to know” God and Christ (Joh 17:3): ijwbq article 147; w23.03 9-10; wp21.2 10-12; wp17.2 6-7; w13 10/15 27-28; w12 6/1 9; w06 10/15 5-7; w05 4/15 4-7; lr 255; w02 12/15 8; w01 8/1 10; w97 1/15 19-20; w92 3/1 23
Daniel: w18.02 10
enhanced by new covenant: jr 179-180; ws 116-118
enjoyment from: it-2 119
“heart to know” Jehovah (Jer 24:7): w13 3/15 8-12
Jesus Christ: w12 4/15 4
Job: w18.02 11-12
lack in Hosea’s day (Ho 4): it-2 181; jd 57-61
Noah: w18.02 9-10
“other sheep”: ws 117-120
people “will have to know” (Eze): rr 77, 81, 235; w12 9/1 21
revelation to mankind: tp 56-59; Lmn 8
role in acquiring godly devotion: w93 9/15 16
role in putting on new personality: gm 178-179
role in true worship: jd 57-61, 66-67
source of wisdom: w22.10 19
through creation: mwb24.03 5; w23.03 15-19; w19.12 20; w04 11/15 8-9; w99 6/15 20-21; w98 9/15 22-23; ct 77-84; w97 1/15 19-20; w93 6/15 8-13
through Jesus: w23.08 6-7; w12 4/15 3-7; w93 6/15 16-18
through the Bible: w23.02 2-7; w23.08 32; cl 18-20, 184-186; w12 6/15 27-28; jr 115, 125-126; w99 6/15 21-24; w97 1/15 20; w93 6/15 13-18
whether possible: w06 10/15 3-4
youths: w19.12 16; w10 4/15 4-5; w90 8/1 12; g87 3/8 20-21; g86 2/8 16
“knowing” Jehovah’s name: it-1 324; it-2 12, 466-467; w13 3/15 24-25; w10 7/1 4; g04 1/22 12; wt 21; ip-2 183-185
knowing Jehovah’s ways: w05 5/15 20-25
“knowing” Jesus Christ: w21.04 4-7; w87 4/15 16
key to knowledge of God: kl 32-33, 39-41
role in acquiring godly devotion: w93 9/15 16
knowing one’s children: w16.09 29
knowing oneself:
‘knowing the truth’ (Joh 8:32): w12 7/15 9-10
“lips of” (Pr 20:15): g 5/11 19
love directed by: it-2 276
‘love of the Christ surpasses’ (Eph 3:19): cl 299; it-2 181; w09 10/15 26
meaning of term: it-2 181; w97 3/15 12; w93 6/15 13-14
modesty regarding: w99 12/1 27
“odor of the knowledge of him” (2Co 2:14): w90 7/15 10-15
of Bible:
for everyone: g88 11/8 18-19
growing in: scl 111; w93 8/15 12-17
knowledge alone not sufficient: w95 12/15 14
needed: pe 127-128
needed for future: kl 6-11
needed for harmony: w94 12/15 15-16
needed for salvation: gt chapter 116; w90 9/15 8; w89 9/15 6; Lmn 27-28
protection against apostasy: w87 11/1 20
value: jd 92; w01 7/15 27; kl 6-8
value to children: w86 11/1 25
value to youths: w90 8/1 11-12
why vital: w89 12/1 10-14
of God: ijwbq article 174; wp19.1 3-16; w15 10/1 12-14; w15 12/1 16; w11 10/1 15; w09 5/1 5-6; w08 9/1 3-7; w06 10/15 5-7; w03 2/15 3, 32; w02 12/15 13-14; w01 7/1 7-12; w97 1/15 19-20
earth to be filled with (Isa 11:9): g 12/11 11; w10 9/1 7-9; w07 5/15 6; w00 4/15 18; kl 184-185
meaning of term: w96 1/15 12
need for: w05 11/15 21; w96 1/15 10-14
value: w03 2/15 4-7; w03 7/15 22-23; w01 7/15 27; kl 6-8, 170
“puffs up” (1Co 8:1): w01 1/1 9
references in Proverbs: si 109
relationship to—
discernment: it-2 182
thinking ability: it-2 182
understanding: it-2 182, 1139-1140
wisdom: it-2 182
revealed by Jehovah: w86 5/15 10-15
“scattering knowledge” (Pr 15:7): w06 7/1 14-15; w06 9/15 19
sharing one’s knowledge: scl 112; w21.12 30
“shrewd man is covering” (Pr 12:23): w06 9/15 18; w03 3/15 29
source: it-2 180-181
“true knowledge will become abundant” (Da 12:4): w23.02 5; w22.07 7; w22.09 24-25; bhs 99; bh 92; kr 35-38; jl lesson 3; w12 8/15 3-7; w09 8/15 14-16; dp 293-294; w87 7/1 25