(See also Aquatic Animals; Aquatic Plants; Fountains; Ice; Lakes; Marine Life; Oceans; Pools; Rivers; Seas; Waterfalls; Wells)
fresh water: g01 6/22 4; g97 8/22 3; g93 11/22 29; g86 11/22 5
fresh water usable: g 1/09 7; g86 11/22 5
in foods: g86 3/8 18
needed by children: g00 3/22 29
needed for health: g04 2/8 30; g03 6/8 12-13; g00 2/8 28; g97 8/8 27; g96 7/22 29; g86 3/8 18
on earth: it-1 327; g97 8/22 3; g93 11/22 29; gm 111-112; g86 11/22 4
salt water: g86 11/22 5
used in agriculture: g04 8/8 29
used in manufacturing: g02 3/8 30; g01 6/22 7
used per person: g05 1/8 7
Caesarea, Palestine: it-2 535
Jerusalem: it-2 40
Nineveh: it-2 895
Roman Empire: g87 12/8 22-23
Segovia, Spain: g87 12/8 22-23
aquifers: g 6/15 16; g03 5/8 17, 19; g01 6/22 8-9; g86 11/22 5-7
Arabia: g90 1/22 29
Australia: g02 2/8 25-27
discovery in Western Australia: g89 11/8 28-29
South America: g01 11/8 28
atoms in a drop: w86 1/15 16
beneath Sahara: g88 2/8 30
benefits of drinking enough: g98 3/22 31; g93 8/8 28
clearer thinking: g96 5/8 28
during exercise: g05 5/22 10
best for quenching thirst: g88 8/8 30
Bible times:
during dry season: w11 1/1 19
“holy water” (Nu 5:17): it-2 1173
pouring on another’s hands: it-1 217; w13 8/15 29; w97 11/1 31
“waters of the Shiloah” (Isa 8:6): it-2 928
wells: it-2 1178-1179; w08 6/1 15
physical process: g91 2/22 14
amount camels drink: wp16.3 12-13; w04 4/15 9; w89 7/1 25; g89 1/8 21
survival without water: it-1 395
consumption: g02 10/8 25; g86 11/22 3
bottled water in U.S.: g 11/08 30
safety: g89 6/22 19-21; g88 9/22 6
whether safe to boil: g89 12/22 30
creation account: g21.3 10; it-2 1172; w08 9/1 27-28; ct 93
cycle: mrt article 79; w20.05 21-22; lc 8; w09 1/1 16-17; g 2/09 8; w05 11/15 16; g04 2/8 14-17; g97 8/22 7
Bible scientific: ijwbq article 82; cl 52-53; lff lesson 3; it-1 483, 786; g17.3 4; w09 1/1 14-17; w08 9/1 27; w05 4/1 7; w93 6/15 9-10; w90 2/1 5; gm 99-100
symbolic of reliability of God’s word: g 12/08 6-7
developing nations:
obtaining safe water: g97 8/22 4; g95 4/8 8-10
discussion: g23.1 3-5; it-2 1172-1174; g 2/09 6-7; w08 6/1 12-15; g97 8/22 3-11
distribution: g97 8/22 4; gm 111; g86 11/22 5, 7
dowsing: g92 4/22 12-16
drinking water:
bottled: g 11/08 30; g05 5/8 28; g04 4/22 29; g01 12/8 29
conservation: g05 1/8 6; g96 6/22 29; g95 9/8 31
drug contamination: g99 9/22 29
nets collect from clouds: g03 5/22 25-26; g97 10/8 23; g92 12/8 30
safe usage: g 6/15 4; w08 12/1 11; g97 11/22 11-12; fy 45
shortage: mrt article 79; g 11/08 30; g04 10/8 29; g99 10/8 28; g98 11/22 28; g95 9/8 31; g94 7/22 28; g94 11/8 28; g91 1/22 28-29
belief that running water is blessed on: g86 3/22 4-5, 7
evidence of Creator: g00 8/22 5-6
release of aluminum from cookware: g87 7/22 29
forests collect, from clouds: g02 10/8 29
freezing process: it-1 1166; w05 11/15 14-15
human body: g86 3/8 18
hydroelectric power plants: g05 3/8 8
hydrotherapy: g88 6/22 25-26
Kneipp therapy: g88 6/22 25-26
ice-water for burns: g88 4/8 28; g86 5/22 28
Jehovah the Source of: it-2 1172-1173
London, England:
Thames Water Ring Main project: g96 8/22 15-17
“Moses Effect” (magnetic field parts water): ct 126-127; g98 1/22 28
natural purification: g23.1 4
mussels: g03 7/22 31; g90 2/22 28
seeds of Moringa oleifera: g96 5/8 28-29
necessary for life: w88 1/15 7
need for: g 3/11 4; g03 6/8 12-13; g00 2/8 28; g00 3/22 29; g97 8/22 3; g96 7/22 29; g93 8/8 28
older people: g 2/11 14
on the moon: g 4/11 27; g98 8/8 28-29
pollution: g17.6 5; g03 11/22 5; g97 8/22 8; w95 12/1 4; g90 5/8 6-8; tp 16; g86 11/22 8-11
Black Sea: g05 6/22 28; g99 10/22 19; g98 9/22 28; g95 3/22 28-29; g92 3/22 29
chemicals (Europe): g90 6/8 29
chemicals (Japan): re 175
China: g 5/07 11; g97 4/8 28
Colombia: g89 4/8 29-30
danger of vapor from hot tap water: g87 7/22 14
deaths from: g 6/11 29; w95 12/1 7
drinking water: g98 12/22 3, 5; g93 1/8 9-10; g92 7/22 24; w90 7/1 4; g90 6/8 29
fertilizers: g05 1/8 6-7; g90 10/22 29
fish used for detection: g 6/07 30
Germany, Federal Republic of (West): g90 6/8 29
gnat plague from: g00 11/22 29
Hindu idols immersed: g00 7/22 28-29
illness from: g16.6 4; g 6/15 4; g96 3/22 24; w95 12/1 6
Kattegat Sea: g90 5/8 6
lakes: g02 12/8 28-29
landfills: g90 9/22 7
lead: g90 8/8 26-27
mercury compounds reduced by sunlight: g96 12/8 28
mercury from thermometers: g02 10/8 28-29
mountain lakes: g01 8/22 28
natural cleanup: g23.1 4; g03 7/22 31; g99 1/22 31; g96 5/8 28-29; g90 2/22 28
North Sea: g90 5/8 6; g89 1/8 30
nuclear waste: g90 9/22 9-10
oceans: g23.1 8; g17.6 5; g92 8/8 31; w90 7/1 3-4; g89 7/22 2-9; g86 11/8 31
oil spills: g03 8/22 20-21; g03 11/8 10-11; g00 6/22 18-19; g99 1/8 14-15; g93 8/22 31; g89 9/22 2-13; g89 11/22 12
Pacific coastal waters: g92 1/22 29
Poland: g89 4/8 29-30
Rhine River: g90 5/8 6; g88 5/8 3-4; g87 4/8 29-30; g87 7/22 5
seas: g98 9/22 28
tests using rainbow trout: g90 1/8 29
Thames River cleaned up (England): w98 6/15 5
toxic algae: g01 11/22 5; g93 3/22 29
United States: g87 7/22 5-6; g86 11/22 9-10
wells: g04 5/22 28; g98 4/8 28-29
properties: g 2/09 6
safety in: g88 5/22 15-18; g88 9/22 28
water bikes: g96 12/22 29
desalination (artificial): g23.1 5; g 6/08 30; g00 8/22 29
desalination (by life forms): g 6/08 22
harvesting salt: g 12/06 16-17; g03 2/8 21-23
shortage of fresh: mrt article 79; g23.1 3; g17.6 5; g 3/10 30; g 1/09 3-7; g 11/08 30; g05 1/8 6-7, 9; g04 10/8 29; g01 6/22 3-13; g99 10/8 28; g98 11/22 28; g97 8/22 4-6, 8-11; g97 11/8 29; g94 11/8 28; g91 1/22 28-29; g86 11/22 4-7
aquifer depletion: g01 6/22 8-9; g86 11/22 5-7
contamination: g86 11/22 8-11
contributing factors: mrt article 79; g02 1/8 28
developing nations: g03 3/8 29; g95 9/8 31
drought: mrt article 60
efforts to correct: g23.1 5; g 1/09 5-6
India: g05 4/8 18-19
Middle East: g89 7/22 29
mountain ecosystems endangered: g02 10/22 29
solutions proposed: g05 4/8 19-21; g01 6/22 10-12; g97 8/22 9-11
South Africa: g95 6/22 29
symbolic: it-2 1172-1174
“Apollos watered” (1Co 3:6): it-2 1173
“bath of water” (Eph 5:26): it-2 1173; w08 6/1 13-14
“became blood” (Re 16:4): re 224-225
“born from water” (Joh 3:5): it-1 319; it-2 1173; w09 4/1 8
‘burst out in the wilderness’ (Isa 35:6, 7): ip-1 374-376, 378-379
“come to the water” (Isa 55:1): w18.11 4; ip-2 233-234
“dried up” (Re 16:12): w22.07 6; w12 6/15 17-18; re 229-230, 260-261; g89 11/22 19-22
‘fountain of water of life’ (Re 7:17; 21:6): w08 9/15 28; re 126-128, 304
from human sources: it-2 815
from visionary temple (Eze 47): cl 275-276; rr 152-153, 202-210; w07 8/1 11; w99 3/1 10-11, 18-22; w89 11/1 17; w88 9/15 27
God’s Word: it-2 1173; g 1/09 8-9; w08 6/1 13-14
‘harlot sits on many waters’ (Re 17:1, 15): re 238-240, 256; w89 4/15 7-8
life-giving water: it-2 1173
“living waters” (Zec 14:8): rr 204; w13 2/15 21; w06 4/15 29
people: it-2 1172
“river of water of life” (Re 22): ijwbq article 145; it-2 251, 1173; rr 204; w10 2/15 14-15; w09 2/15 5; w08 6/1 14-15; re 310-312, 318; w02 9/15 32; w99 3/1 22; w93 9/1 32; w90 12/15 10-12, 14
“serpent spewed out water like a river” (Re 12:15): kr 150-151; re 184-186
‘spring bubbling up to impart everlasting life’ (Joh 4:14): w24.12 9-10; w09 8/15 9; w08 6/1 14; re 304; w86 5/15 31
“stolen waters” (Pr 9:17): w23.06 22-24; w06 9/15 17; w01 5/15 30-31
“streams of living water” (Joh 7:38): it-2 1173
“turned into wormwood” (Re 8:10, 11): re 136-139
‘turn to blood’ (Re 11:6): re 166-167
“well-watered resting-places” (Ps 23:2): w02 9/15 32
‘witness bearer’ (1Jo 5:6-8): it-2 1173; w08 12/15 27
eels used (Japan): g98 7/8 29
uses: g86 11/22 3
wastewater treatment: g03 7/22 30; g02 10/8 25-27
water bear (tardigrade): g 3/07 30; g99 5/8 29