48 Now his betrayer had given them a sign, saying: “Whoever it is I kiss, he is the one; take him into custody.” 49 And going straight up to Jesus, he said: “Greetings, Rabbi!” and gave him a tender kiss. 50 But Jesus said to him: “Fellow, for what purpose are you present?”+ Then they came forward and seized Jesus and took him into custody. 51 But look! one of those with Jesus reached out his hand and drew his sword and struck the slave of the high priest, taking off his ear.+ 52 Then Jesus said to him: “Return your sword to its place,+ for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.+ 53 Or do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than 12 legions of angels?+ 54 In that case, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must take place this way?” 55 In that hour Jesus said to the crowds: “Did you come out to arrest me with swords and clubs as against a robber? Day after day I used to sit in the temple teaching,+ and yet you did not take me into custody.+ 56 But all of this has taken place for the writings of the prophets to be fulfilled.”+ Then all the disciples abandoned him and fled.+