3 It was after this that Job opened his mouth and began to call down evil upon his day.+ 2 Job now answered and said:
3 “Let the day perish on which I came to be born,+
Also the night that someone said, ‘An able-bodied man* has been conceived!’
4 As for that day, let it become darkness.
Let not God* look for it from above,
Nor let daylight beam upon it.
5 Let darkness and deep shadow* reclaim it.
Let a rain cloud reside over it.
Let the things that darken a day terrorize it.+
6 That night—let gloom take it;+
Let it not feel glad among the days of a year;
Among the number of the lunar months let it not enter.
9 Let the stars of its twilight grow dark;
Let it wait for the light and there be none;
And let it not see the beams of dawn.
11 Why from the womb did I not proceed to die?+
[Why did I not] come forth from the belly itself and then expire?
13 For by now I should have lain down that I might be undisturbed;+
I should have slept then; I should be at rest+
14 With kings and counselors of the earth,+
Those building desolate places* for themselves,+
15 Or with princes who have gold,
Those who fill their houses with silver;
16 Or, like a hidden miscarriage,+ I should not come to be,
Like children that have seen no light.+
17 There the wicked themselves have ceased from agitation,+
And there those weary in power are at rest.+
18 Together prisoners themselves are at ease;
They actually do not hear the voice of one driving them to work.+
21 Why are there those waiting for death, and it is not,+
Although they keep digging for it more than for hidden treasures?
24 For before my food my sighing comes,+
And like waters my roaring cries pour forth;+
25 Because a dreadful thing I have dreaded, and it comes upon me;
And what I have been scared of comes to me.+
26 I have not been carefree, nor have I been undisturbed,
Nor been at rest, and yet agitation comes.”