To the director on stringed instruments. Masʹkil.* Of David.
2 Do pay attention to me and answer me.+
I am driven restlessly about by my concern,+
And I cannot but show disquietude,
3 Due to the voice of the enemy, because of the pressure of the wicked one.+
For they keep dropping upon me what is hurtful,+
And in anger they harbor animosity against me.+
7 Look! I would go far away in flight;+
I would lodge in the wilderness.+—Seʹlah—
8 I would hasten to a place of escape for me
11 Adversities are within it;
And from its public square oppression and deception have not moved away.+
12 For it was not an enemy that proceeded to reproach me;+
Otherwise I could put up with it.
It was not an intense hater of me that assumed great airs against me;+
Otherwise I could conceal myself from him.+
13 But it was you, a mortal man who was as my equal,+
One familiar to me and my acquaintance,+
14 Because we used to enjoy sweet intimacy together;+
Into the house of God we used to walk with the throng.+
15 Desolations [be] upon them!+
Let them go down into Sheʹol alive;+
For during their alien residence bad things have been within them.+
18 He will certainly redeem [and put] my soul in peace from the fight that is against me,+
For in multitudes they have come to be against me.+
19 God* will hear and answer them,+
Even He that is sitting [enthroned] as in the past+—Seʹlah—
Those with whom there are no changings*+
And who have not feared God.+
21 Smoother than butter* are [the words of] his mouth,+
But his heart is disposed to fight.*+
His words are softer than oil,+
But they are drawn swords.+