For the director. Of the sons of Koʹrah. A melody.
85 You have taken pleasure, O Jehovah, in your land;+
You have brought back the ones taken captive of Jacob.+
2 You have pardoned the error of your people;+
You have covered all their sin.+ Seʹlah.
3 You have controlled all your fury;+
You have turned back from the heat of your anger.+
4 Gather us back, O God of our salvation,+
And break off your vexation with us.+
5 Is it to time indefinite that you will be incensed at us?+
Will you draw out your anger to generation after generation?+
6 Will you yourself not enliven us again,+
That your people themselves may rejoice in you?+
7 Show us, O Jehovah, your loving-kindness,+
And your salvation may you give to us.+
8 I will hear what the [true] God Jehovah will speak,+
For he will speak peace to his people+ and to his loyal ones,
But let them not return to self-confidence.+
9 Surely his salvation is near to those fearing him,+
For glory to reside in our land.+
10 As for loving-kindness and trueness, they have met each other;+
Righteousness and peace—they have kissed each other.+
11 Trueness itself will sprout out of the very earth,+
And righteousness itself will look down from the very heavens.+
12 Also, Jehovah, for his part, will give what is good,+
And our own land will give its yield.+
13 Before him righteousness itself will walk,+
And it will make a way by his steppings.+