(A hymn of David’s.)
145 I exalt you, my Divine King,
and will bless your name forevermore.
2 Every day I bless you,
and will praise your name forevermore.
3 Great is Jehovah and greatly to be praised,
beyond exploration is his greatness.
4 Generation to generation shall laud your deeds
and tell your feats,
5 Talk of the splendor of the glory of your majesty
and study your wonders
6 And say the mightiness of your terrors,
and I will tell the story of your greatness;
7 They shall pour out commemoration of the abundance of your goodness
and shout your right-doing.
8 Kindly and tenderhearted is Jehovah,
patient and great in friendliness.
9 Jehovah is good to everything,
and his tenderheartedness is toward all his works.
10 All your works shall give thanks to you, Jehovah,
and those that have your friendship shall bless you.
11 They shall utter the glory of your empire
and speak your prowess,
12 Making known to mankind your feats
and the glory of the splendor of your empire.
13 Your empire is an empire for all ages,
and your dominion over every generation that comes.
Jehovah is trusty in his words
and friendly in all his deeds.
14 Jehovah is a supporter of all who are falling
and a raiser of all who are bent down.
15 Every creature’s eyes look to you, Jehovah,
and you give their food at the due time.
16 You open your hand
and give your favor to satisfy every living thing.
17 Jehovah is fair in all his courses
and friendly in all his deeds.
18 Jehovah is near to all who call on him,
all who call on him sincerely.
19 He will do what those who fear him can welcome,
and will hear their cry and save them.
20 Jehovah guards all who love him,
but all wrong-doers he will root out.