(Of David’s.)
27 Jehovah is my light and salvation;
whom should I fear?
Jehovah is my lifesaving citadel;
whom should I dread?
2 When evil-doers came on to eat my flesh,
my foemen, enemies to me, they stumbled and fell.
3 If an army should take the field against me
my heart would not fear;
If a battle comes upon me,
even with that I rest secure.
4 One thing I ask of Jehovah, it I seek,
the staying at Jehovah’s house all my life long
To gaze on Jehovah’s delectable sights
and to examine his temple.
5 For he would shelter me in his pavilion on a day of calamity, would shroud me in the screen of his tent,
would uplift me on a rock.
6 And now my head rises above my enemies all round me,
and in his tent I will offer shouted sacrifices,
I will sing to make music to Jehovah.
7 Hear, Jehovah, my voice;
I call; be gracious to me and answer me.
9 Do not veil your face from me;
do not dismiss your servant’s case in anger.
You were my help;
do not turn me adrift
nor leave me, God of my salvation.
10 For my father and mother have left me,
but Jehovah takes me in.
12 Do not give me over to the passions of my foes,
for there have stood up against me false accusers
and a snorter of outrages.
13 If I did not trust to have the sight of God’s goodness
in the land of the living—