(Of the Director; of Jeduthun; a psalm of David’s.)
39 I said “I will watch my courses
to keep from sinning with my tongue;
I will put a muzzle on my mouth
so long as I am facing a rascal.”
4 “Make my end known to me, Jehovah,
and what is the measure of my days;
let me be conscious how transitory I am.
5 Here you have made my days some handbreadths
and before you my tenure of life is as if there were none of it;
every man bases himself just on air. (Selah)
6 A man walks along in a mere picture,
they make an uproar of mere air,
one piles up heaps and does not know who is going to take them home.
7 And now what am I counting on, Lord?
it is for you I wait.
8 Deliver me from all my crimes;
do not make me a butt for a scamp’s taunting.
9 I was mute, did not open my mouth,
because it was you that had acted.
10 Take your visitation off me;
by the stress of your hand I am finished.
11 With discipline for guilt you correct a man
and you melt down his attractive figure like a moth;
every man is just air.” [Selah]
12 Hear my prayer, Jehovah, and give ear to my cry;
do not be deaf to my sobs;
For I am a visitor with you
and a tenant, like all my fathers.
13 Take your eyes off me and let me brighten up
before I go away and am gone.