1 Samuel
29 And the Philistines gathered all their armies to Aphek, while the Israelites were encamped at the spring in Jezreʽel. 2 And the Sarns of the Philistines were passing in review by hundreds and by thousands, and David and his men passing in the rear with Akish; 3* and the captains of the Philistines said “What do these Hebrews mean?” And Akish said to the captains of the Philistines “Why, this is David, King Saul of Israel’s officer, who has been with me this year or two, and I have never had any fault to find with him from the day he transferred his allegiance to me till this day.” 4* But the captains of the Philistines were incensed, and said to him “Have the man go back, back to his place where you stationed him, and not down with us into the battle, and we shall not have him for an antagonist in the battle. And what should the fellow pacify his sovereign with? would it not be with those men’s heads? 5 Why, this is the David of whom they sing in the dances ‘Saul has killed by the thousand, David by the ten-thousand.’”
6 And Akish called David and said to him “By Jehovah, I think you are all right, and I should like to have you go in and out with me in the army, because I have found nothing wrong with you from the day you came to me till this day; but the Sarns do not like you. 7 Now go back in friendship, and do not displease the Sarns of the Philistines.” 8 And David said to Akish “But what have I done, and what fault have you had to find with your servant from the first day I was with you till this day, that I am not to come and fight your majesty’s enemies?” 9 And Akish answered David “I know I think you are all right, right as a god’s angel; only the captains of the Philistines have said ‘he shall not go up with us into the battle.’ 10* Now, the first thing in the morning, you and your sovereign’s subjects that came with you go to the place where I stationed you, and do not take anything vicious into your head, because you stand all right with me; go the first thing in the morning, as soon as you have light.” 11 And the first thing in the morning David went off, he and his men, to go back to the Philistine country; and the Philistines went up to Jezreʽel.