Exodus 32:19 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 19 So it came about that as soon as he got near the camp and could see the calf+ and the dances, Moses’ anger began to blaze, and he at once threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain.+ Deuteronomy 9:17 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 17 At that I took hold of the two tablets and flung them down from both my hands and shattered them before YOUR eyes.+
19 So it came about that as soon as he got near the camp and could see the calf+ and the dances, Moses’ anger began to blaze, and he at once threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain.+
17 At that I took hold of the two tablets and flung them down from both my hands and shattered them before YOUR eyes.+