Numbers 13:23 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 23 When they came to the torrent valley of Eshʹcol,+ they then proceeded to cut down from there a shoot with one cluster of grapes.+ And they went carrying it with a bar on two of the men, and also some of the pomegranates+ and some of the figs. Deuteronomy 1:24 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 24 Then they turned and went up into the mountainous region+ and got as far as the torrent valley of Eshʹcol+ and went spying on it.
23 When they came to the torrent valley of Eshʹcol,+ they then proceeded to cut down from there a shoot with one cluster of grapes.+ And they went carrying it with a bar on two of the men, and also some of the pomegranates+ and some of the figs.
24 Then they turned and went up into the mountainous region+ and got as far as the torrent valley of Eshʹcol+ and went spying on it.