2 Chronicles 28:25 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 25 And in all cities, even the cities of Judah, he made high places+ for making sacrificial smoke to other gods,+ so that he offended+ Jehovah the God of his forefathers. 2 Chronicles 33:4 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 4 And he built altars+ in the house of Jehovah, respecting which Jehovah had said: “In Jerusalem my name will prove to be to time indefinite.”+
25 And in all cities, even the cities of Judah, he made high places+ for making sacrificial smoke to other gods,+ so that he offended+ Jehovah the God of his forefathers.
4 And he built altars+ in the house of Jehovah, respecting which Jehovah had said: “In Jerusalem my name will prove to be to time indefinite.”+