20 But if not, let fire+ come out of A·bimʹe·lech and consume the landowners of Sheʹchem and the house of Milʹlo,+ and let fire+ come out of the landowners of Sheʹchem and the house of Milʹlo and consume A·bimʹe·lech.”+
57 And all the evil of the men of Sheʹchem God made come back upon their own heads, that the malediction+ of Joʹtham+ the son of Jer·ub·baʹal+ might come upon them.+
10 But E·liʹjah answered and spoke to the chief of the fifty: “Well, if I am a man of God,* let fire+ come down from the heavens and eat up you and your fifty.” And fire came descending from the heavens and went eating up him and his fifty.+