Exodus 14:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 13 Then Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid.+ Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for YOU today.+ For the Egyptians whom YOU do see today YOU will not see again, no, never again.+ Exodus 15:2 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 2 My strength and [my] might* is Jah,*+ since he serves for my salvation.+This is my God, and I shall laud him;+ my father’s God,+ and I shall raise him on high.+ 1 Samuel 2:1 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 2 And Hanʹnah went on to pray+ and say:“My heart does exult in Jehovah,+My horn is indeed exalted in Jehovah.*+My mouth is widened against my enemies,For I do rejoice in the salvation from you.+ 1 Samuel 11:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 13 However, Saul* said: “Not a man should be put to death on this day,+ because today Jehovah has performed salvation in Israel.”+ 1 Chronicles 16:23 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 23 Sing to Jehovah, all YOU of the earth!+Announce from day to day the salvation he gives!+
13 Then Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid.+ Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for YOU today.+ For the Egyptians whom YOU do see today YOU will not see again, no, never again.+
2 My strength and [my] might* is Jah,*+ since he serves for my salvation.+This is my God, and I shall laud him;+ my father’s God,+ and I shall raise him on high.+
2 And Hanʹnah went on to pray+ and say:“My heart does exult in Jehovah,+My horn is indeed exalted in Jehovah.*+My mouth is widened against my enemies,For I do rejoice in the salvation from you.+
13 However, Saul* said: “Not a man should be put to death on this day,+ because today Jehovah has performed salvation in Israel.”+