1 Samuel 21:12 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 12 And David began to take these words to his heart, and he became very much afraid+ on account of Aʹchish the king of Gath. Psalm 18:2 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 2 Jehovah is my crag and my stronghold and the Provider of escape for me.+My God* is my rock. I shall take refuge in him,*+My shield and my horn of salvation, my secure height.+
12 And David began to take these words to his heart, and he became very much afraid+ on account of Aʹchish the king of Gath.
2 Jehovah is my crag and my stronghold and the Provider of escape for me.+My God* is my rock. I shall take refuge in him,*+My shield and my horn of salvation, my secure height.+