Psalm 32:11 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 11 Rejoice in Jehovah* and be joyful, YOU righteous ones;+And cry out joyfully, all YOU who are upright in heart.+ Psalm 58:10 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 10 The righteous one will rejoice because he has beheld the vengeance.+His steps he will bathe in the blood of the wicked one.+ Psalm 68:3 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 3 But as for the righteous, let them rejoice,+Let them be elated before God,+And let them exult with rejoicing.+ Philippians 4:4 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 4 Always rejoice in [the] Lord.*+ Once more I will say, Rejoice!+
11 Rejoice in Jehovah* and be joyful, YOU righteous ones;+And cry out joyfully, all YOU who are upright in heart.+
10 The righteous one will rejoice because he has beheld the vengeance.+His steps he will bathe in the blood of the wicked one.+
3 But as for the righteous, let them rejoice,+Let them be elated before God,+And let them exult with rejoicing.+