17 “Rouse yourself, rouse yourself, rise up, O Jerusalem,+ you who have drunk at the hand of Jehovah his cup of rage.+ The goblet, the cup causing reeling, you have drunk, you have drained out.+
15 For this is what Jehovah the God of Israel said to me: “Take this cup of the wine of rage out of my hand, and you must make all the nations to whom I am sending you drink it.*+
16 You will certainly be satiated with dishonor instead of glory.+ Drink also, you yourself,+ and be considered uncircumcised.+ The cup of the right hand of Jehovah* will come around to you,+ and there will be disgrace upon your glory;
19 And the great city+ split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and Babylon* the Great+ was remembered in the sight of God, to give her the cup of the wine of the anger of his wrath.+
6 Render to her even as she herself rendered,+ and do to her twice as much, yes, twice the number of the things she did;+ in the cup+ in which she put a mixture put twice+ as much of the mixture for her.+