Psalm 16:8 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 8 I have placed Jehovah in front of me constantly.+Because [he] is at my right hand, I shall not be made to totter.+ Psalm 72:4 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 4 Let him judge the afflicted ones of the people,+Let him save the sons of the poor one,And let him crush the defrauder. Psalm 110:5 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 5 Jehovah* himself at your right hand+Will certainly break kings to pieces on the day of his anger.+ Psalm 121:5 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 5 Jehovah is guarding you.+Jehovah is your shade+ on your right hand.+
8 I have placed Jehovah in front of me constantly.+Because [he] is at my right hand, I shall not be made to totter.+
4 Let him judge the afflicted ones of the people,+Let him save the sons of the poor one,And let him crush the defrauder.