Matthew 21:9 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 9 As for the crowds, those going ahead of him and those following kept crying out: “Save, we pray,*+ the Son of David!+ Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s* name!+ Save him, we pray, in the heights above!”*+ Matthew 23:39 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 39 For I say to YOU, YOU will by no means see me from henceforth until YOU say, ‘Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s* name!’”+ Mark 11:9 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 9 And those going in front and those coming behind kept crying out: “Save, we pray!*+ Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s* name!+ Luke 19:38 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 38 saying: “Blessed is the One coming as the King in Jehovah’s* name!+ Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest places!”*+
9 As for the crowds, those going ahead of him and those following kept crying out: “Save, we pray,*+ the Son of David!+ Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s* name!+ Save him, we pray, in the heights above!”*+
39 For I say to YOU, YOU will by no means see me from henceforth until YOU say, ‘Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s* name!’”+
9 And those going in front and those coming behind kept crying out: “Save, we pray!*+ Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah’s* name!+
38 saying: “Blessed is the One coming as the King in Jehovah’s* name!+ Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest places!”*+