Deuteronomy 4:2 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 2 YOU must not add to the word that I am commanding YOU, neither must YOU take away from it,+ so as to keep the commandments of Jehovah YOUR God that I am commanding YOU. Psalm 19:8 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 8 The orders+ from Jehovah are upright,+ causing the heart to rejoice;+The commandment+ of Jehovah is clean,+ making the eyes shine.+
2 YOU must not add to the word that I am commanding YOU, neither must YOU take away from it,+ so as to keep the commandments of Jehovah YOUR God that I am commanding YOU.
8 The orders+ from Jehovah are upright,+ causing the heart to rejoice;+The commandment+ of Jehovah is clean,+ making the eyes shine.+