Job 34:29 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 29 When he himself causes quietness, who, then, can condemn?And when he conceals [his] face,+ who can behold him,Whether it is toward a nation+ or toward a man,* it being the same thing? Ezekiel 34:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 13 And I will bring them out+ from the peoples and collect them together from the lands and bring them in onto their soil+ and feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streambeds and by all the dwelling places of the land.+
29 When he himself causes quietness, who, then, can condemn?And when he conceals [his] face,+ who can behold him,Whether it is toward a nation+ or toward a man,* it being the same thing?
13 And I will bring them out+ from the peoples and collect them together from the lands and bring them in onto their soil+ and feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streambeds and by all the dwelling places of the land.+