Psalm 12:6 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 6 The sayings of Jehovah are pure sayings,+As silver refined in a smelting furnace* of earth, clarified seven times. Isaiah 45:23 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 23 By my own self I have sworn+—out of my own mouth in righteousness the word has gone forth,+ so that it will not return+—that to me every knee will bend down,+ every tongue will swear,*+
6 The sayings of Jehovah are pure sayings,+As silver refined in a smelting furnace* of earth, clarified seven times.
23 By my own self I have sworn+—out of my own mouth in righteousness the word has gone forth,+ so that it will not return+—that to me every knee will bend down,+ every tongue will swear,*+