16 And there was also innocent blood that Ma·nasʹseh shed+ in very great quantity, until he had filled Jerusalem from end to end,* besides his sin with which he caused Judah to sin by doing what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah.+
4 and also [for] the innocent blood+ that he had shed, so that he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and Jehovah did not consent to grant forgiveness.+
2 in order to push away the lowly ones from a legal case and to wrest away justice from the afflicted ones of my people,+ for the widows to become their spoil, and that they may plunder even the fatherless boys!+
7 Their own feet keep running to sheer badness,+ and they are in a hurry to shed innocent blood.+ Their thoughts are hurtful thoughts;+ despoiling and breakdown are in their highways.*+
4 for the reason that they have left me+ and have proceeded to make this place unrecognizable+ and to make sacrificial smoke in it to other gods* whom they had not known,+ they and their forefathers and the kings of Judah; and they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent ones.+
35 that there may come upon YOU all the righteous blood spilled on earth,+ from the blood of righteous+ Abel+ to the blood of Zech·a·riʹah son of Bar·a·chiʹah, whom YOU murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.+