Judges 10:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 13 As for YOU, YOU abandoned me+ and took up serving other gods.+ That is why I shall not save YOU again.+ 1 Samuel 12:10 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 10 And they began to call to Jehovah for aid+ and say, ‘We have sinned,+ for we have left Jehovah that we might serve the Baʹals+ and the Ashʹto·reth+ images; and now deliver+ us out of the hand of our enemies, that we may serve you.’
13 As for YOU, YOU abandoned me+ and took up serving other gods.+ That is why I shall not save YOU again.+
10 And they began to call to Jehovah for aid+ and say, ‘We have sinned,+ for we have left Jehovah that we might serve the Baʹals+ and the Ashʹto·reth+ images; and now deliver+ us out of the hand of our enemies, that we may serve you.’