Psalm 34:5 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 5 They looked to him and became radiant,+And their very faces could not possibly be ashamed.+ Psalm 123:2 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 2 Look! As the eyes of servants are toward the hand of their master,*+As the eyes of a maidservant are toward the hand of her mistress,+So our eyes are toward Jehovah our God+Until he shows us favor.+ Isaiah 8:17 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 17 And I will keep in expectation of Jehovah,+ who is concealing his face from the house of Jacob,+ and I will hope in him.+
2 Look! As the eyes of servants are toward the hand of their master,*+As the eyes of a maidservant are toward the hand of her mistress,+So our eyes are toward Jehovah our God+Until he shows us favor.+
17 And I will keep in expectation of Jehovah,+ who is concealing his face from the house of Jacob,+ and I will hope in him.+