Exodus 15:11 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 11 Who among the gods* is like you, O Jehovah?+Who is like you, proving yourself mighty in holiness?+The One to be feared+ with songs of praise,+ the One doing marvels.+ Psalm 35:10 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 10 Let all my bones themselves say:+“O Jehovah, who is there like you,+Delivering the afflicted one from one stronger than he is,+And the afflicted and poor one from the one robbing him?”+ Isaiah 40:18 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 18 And to whom can YOU people liken God,*+ and what likeness can YOU put alongside him?+
11 Who among the gods* is like you, O Jehovah?+Who is like you, proving yourself mighty in holiness?+The One to be feared+ with songs of praise,+ the One doing marvels.+
10 Let all my bones themselves say:+“O Jehovah, who is there like you,+Delivering the afflicted one from one stronger than he is,+And the afflicted and poor one from the one robbing him?”+