15 But the Lord said to him: “Be on your way, because this man is a chosen vessel+ to me to bear my name to the nations+ as well as to kings+ and the sons of Israel.
2 As they were publicly ministering+ to Jehovah* and fasting, the holy spirit said: “Of all persons set Barʹna·bas and Saul+ apart for me for the work to which I have called them.”
5 through whom we* received undeserved kindness+ and an apostleship+ in order that there might be obedience of faith among all the nations+ respecting his name,
7 But, on the contrary, when they saw that I had entrusted+ to me the good news for those who are uncircumcised,*+ just as Peter [had it] for those who are circumcised*+—
7 For the purpose of this witness+ I was appointed a preacher and an apostle+—I am telling the truth,+ I am not lying—a teacher of nations+ in the matter of faith+ and truth.