Galatians 4:9 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 9 But now that YOU have come to know God, or rather now that YOU have come to be known by God,+ how is it that YOU are turning back again to the weak+ and beggarly elementary+ things and want to slave for them over again?+ Galatians 5:1 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 5 For such freedom* Christ set us free.+ Therefore stand fast,+ and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery.+
9 But now that YOU have come to know God, or rather now that YOU have come to be known by God,+ how is it that YOU are turning back again to the weak+ and beggarly elementary+ things and want to slave for them over again?+
5 For such freedom* Christ set us free.+ Therefore stand fast,+ and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery.+