1 Thessalonians 1:3 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 3 for we bear incessantly in mind YOUR faithful work*+ and [your] loving labor* and [your] endurance due to [your] hope+ in our Lord Jesus Christ before our God and Father. 1 Timothy 1:5 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 5 Really the objective* of this mandate is love+ out of a clean heart+ and out of a good conscience+ and out of faith without hypocrisy.+
3 for we bear incessantly in mind YOUR faithful work*+ and [your] loving labor* and [your] endurance due to [your] hope+ in our Lord Jesus Christ before our God and Father.
5 Really the objective* of this mandate is love+ out of a clean heart+ and out of a good conscience+ and out of faith without hypocrisy.+