Proverbs 24:29 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 29 Do not say: “Just as he did to me, so I am going to do to him.+ I shall repay to each one according to his acting.”+ James 4:2 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 2 YOU desire, and yet YOU do not have. YOU go on murdering+ and coveting,*+ and yet YOU are not able to obtain. YOU go on fighting+ and waging war. YOU do not have because of YOUR not asking.
29 Do not say: “Just as he did to me, so I am going to do to him.+ I shall repay to each one according to his acting.”+
2 YOU desire, and yet YOU do not have. YOU go on murdering+ and coveting,*+ and yet YOU are not able to obtain. YOU go on fighting+ and waging war. YOU do not have because of YOUR not asking.