Exodus 34:6 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 6 Jehovah was passing before him and declaring: “Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful+ and compassionate,*+ slow to anger+ and abundant in loyal love*+ and truth,*+ Deuteronomy 32:36 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 36 For Jehovah will judge his people,+And he will feel pity for* his servants+When he sees that their strength has waned,And that only the helpless and weak remain. Isaiah 63:7 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 7 I will mention Jehovah’s acts of loyal love,The praiseworthy acts of Jehovah,Because of all that Jehovah has done for us,+The many good things he has done for the house of Israel,According to his mercy and his great loyal love. Lamentations 3:32 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 32 Although he has caused grief, he will also show mercy according to his abundant loyal love.+ Joel 2:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 13 Rip apart your hearts,+ and not your garments,+And return to Jehovah your God,For he is compassionate* and merciful, slow to anger+ and abundant in loyal love,+And he will reconsider* the calamity.
6 Jehovah was passing before him and declaring: “Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful+ and compassionate,*+ slow to anger+ and abundant in loyal love*+ and truth,*+
36 For Jehovah will judge his people,+And he will feel pity for* his servants+When he sees that their strength has waned,And that only the helpless and weak remain.
7 I will mention Jehovah’s acts of loyal love,The praiseworthy acts of Jehovah,Because of all that Jehovah has done for us,+The many good things he has done for the house of Israel,According to his mercy and his great loyal love.
13 Rip apart your hearts,+ and not your garments,+And return to Jehovah your God,For he is compassionate* and merciful, slow to anger+ and abundant in loyal love,+And he will reconsider* the calamity.