Genesis 20:1 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 20 Now Abraham moved his camp from there+ to the land of the Negʹeb and began dwelling between Kaʹdesh+ and Shur.+ While he was residing* at Geʹrar,+ Genesis 24:62 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 62 Now Isaac had come from the direction of Beʹer-laʹhai-roi,+ for he was dwelling in the land of the Negʹeb.+
20 Now Abraham moved his camp from there+ to the land of the Negʹeb and began dwelling between Kaʹdesh+ and Shur.+ While he was residing* at Geʹrar,+
62 Now Isaac had come from the direction of Beʹer-laʹhai-roi,+ for he was dwelling in the land of the Negʹeb.+