Exodus 13:14 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 14 “In case your son should ask you later on, ‘What does this mean?’ then you should say to him, ‘With a mighty hand Jehovah brought us out of Egypt, from the house of slavery.+ Psalm 44:1 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 44 O God, we have heard with our own ears,Our forefathers have recounted to us,+The deeds you accomplished in their days,In the days of long ago.
14 “In case your son should ask you later on, ‘What does this mean?’ then you should say to him, ‘With a mighty hand Jehovah brought us out of Egypt, from the house of slavery.+
44 O God, we have heard with our own ears,Our forefathers have recounted to us,+The deeds you accomplished in their days,In the days of long ago.