Numbers 35:22-24New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
22 “‘But if it was unexpectedly and not out of hatred that he pushed him or threw any article at him without malicious intent,*+ 23 or if he did not see him and caused a stone to fall on him and he was not an enemy or seeking his injury, and the person died, 24 the assembly should then judge between the one who struck him and the avenger of blood, in harmony with these judgments.+
Deuteronomy 19:4-6New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
4 “Now this is what should take place regarding the manslayer who may flee there in order to live: When he strikes his fellow man unintentionally and he did not previously hate him;+ 5 as when he goes with his fellow man into the forest to gather wood and he raises his hand to cut the tree with the ax, but the axhead flies off the handle and hits his fellow man and he dies, the manslayer should flee to one of these cities to live.+ 6 Otherwise, in the heat of anger,* the avenger of blood+ may chase after the manslayer, overtake him, and kill him, because the distance to the city was too far. However, he did not deserve to die, since he did not previously hate his fellow man.+