2 Samuel 15:32 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 32 When David came to the summit where people used to bow down to God, Huʹshai+ the Arʹchite+ was there to meet him, with his robe ripped apart and dirt on his head. 2 Samuel 15:37 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 37 So Huʹshai, David’s friend,*+ went into the city as Abʹsa·lom was entering into Jerusalem. 1 Chronicles 27:33 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 33 A·hithʹo·phel+ was an adviser to the king, and Huʹshai+ the Arʹchite was the king’s friend.*
32 When David came to the summit where people used to bow down to God, Huʹshai+ the Arʹchite+ was there to meet him, with his robe ripped apart and dirt on his head.