31 David was then told: “A·hithʹo·phel is among those conspiring+ with Abʹsa·lom.”+ At this David said: “Turn, please, the advice* of A·hithʹo·phel into foolishness,+ O Jehovah!”+
23 In those days the advice that A·hithʹo·phel+ gave was considered as* the word of the true God. That was how all the advice of A·hithʹo·phel was esteemed, both by David and by Abʹsa·lom.
23 When A·hithʹo·phel saw that his advice had not been acted on, he saddled a donkey and went to his house in his hometown.+ After he gave instructions to his household,+ he hanged* himself.+ So he died and was buried in the burial place of his forefathers.