Leviticus 25:23 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 23 “‘The land should not be sold on a permanent basis,+ because the land is mine.+ For you are foreign residents and settlers from my standpoint.+ Hebrews 11:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 13 In faith all of these died, although they did not receive the fulfillment of the promises;+ but they saw them from a distance+ and welcomed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land.
23 “‘The land should not be sold on a permanent basis,+ because the land is mine.+ For you are foreign residents and settlers from my standpoint.+
13 In faith all of these died, although they did not receive the fulfillment of the promises;+ but they saw them from a distance+ and welcomed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land.