1 Samuel 2:25 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 25 If a man should sin against another man, someone may appeal to Jehovah for him;* but if a man should sin against Jehovah,+ who can pray for him?” But they refused to listen to their father, for Jehovah had determined to put them to death.+ Proverbs 29:1 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 29 A man who stiffens his neck* after much reproof+Will suddenly be broken beyond healing.+
25 If a man should sin against another man, someone may appeal to Jehovah for him;* but if a man should sin against Jehovah,+ who can pray for him?” But they refused to listen to their father, for Jehovah had determined to put them to death.+