Ezra 7:21-24New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
21 “I, King Ar·ta·xerxʹes, have issued an order to all the treasurers in the region Beyond the River,* that everything that Ezʹra+ the priest, the copyist* of the Law of the God of the heavens, requests of you is to be done promptly, 22 up to 100 talents* of silver, 100 cor measures* of wheat, 100 bath measures* of wine,+ 100 bath measures of oil,+ and salt+ without limit. 23 Let everything that is ordered by the God of the heavens be done with zeal for the house of the God of the heavens,+ so that there may be no wrath against the king’s realm and his sons.+ 24 And you are further advised that it is not permitted to impose any tax, tribute,+ or toll on any of the priests and Levites, musicians,+ doorkeepers, temple servants,*+ and workers of this house of God.