Psalm 31:22 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 22 As for me, I panicked and said: “I will perish from before you.”+ But you heard my pleas for help when I cried out to you.+ Psalm 40:1 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 40 I earnestly hoped in* Jehovah,And he inclined his ear* to me and heard my cry for help.+ Jonah 2:2 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 2 and he said: “Out of my distress I called out to Jehovah, and he answered me.+ Out of the depths* of the Grave* I cried for help.+ You heard my voice.
22 As for me, I panicked and said: “I will perish from before you.”+ But you heard my pleas for help when I cried out to you.+
2 and he said: “Out of my distress I called out to Jehovah, and he answered me.+ Out of the depths* of the Grave* I cried for help.+ You heard my voice.