Luke 2:14 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 14 “Glory in the heights above to God, and on earth peace+ among men of goodwill.” Acts 10:36 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 36 He sent out the word to the sons of Israel to declare to them the good news of peace+ through Jesus Christ—this one is Lord of all.+ Ephesians 2:17 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 17 And he came and declared the good news of peace+ to you who were far off, and peace to those near,
36 He sent out the word to the sons of Israel to declare to them the good news of peace+ through Jesus Christ—this one is Lord of all.+
17 And he came and declared the good news of peace+ to you who were far off, and peace to those near,