Psalm 2:6 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 6 Saying: “I myself have installed my king+On Zion,+ my holy mountain.” Hebrews 12:22 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 22 But you have approached a Mount Zion+ and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem,+ and myriads* of angels 1 Peter 2:6 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 6 For it says in Scripture: “Look! I am laying in Zion a chosen stone, a precious foundation cornerstone, and no one exercising faith in it will ever be disappointed.”*+
22 But you have approached a Mount Zion+ and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem,+ and myriads* of angels
6 For it says in Scripture: “Look! I am laying in Zion a chosen stone, a precious foundation cornerstone, and no one exercising faith in it will ever be disappointed.”*+