Who Was Cain’s Wife?
✔ The Bible says that after Cain killed his brother Abel he “took up residence in the land of Fugitiveness.” The account continues: “Afterward Cain had intercourse with his wife and she became pregnant.” (Gen. 4:16, 17) Many persons reading this account wonder where Cain got his wife and who she was. Do you know?
A young married woman in Denmark agreed to have a regular home Bible study with a minister of Jehovah’s witnesses. Her husband said that he was not interested, and so he would sit quietly on the other side of the room. Before long, though, he asked: “Where did Cain get his wife?”
The minister pointed out from Genesis 5:4 that Adam and Eve had daughters that are not named in the Bible record. Since Adam and Eve were the first two humans God created, and since Eve ‘became the mother of everyone living,’ Cain evidently married one of his sisters, one of the daughters of Adam and Eve. (Gen. 3:20) The man was quite surprised at the Bible’s plain answer to this question. He exclaimed: “I have been in the army nearly eight years and have asked many chaplains that question. None could answer it!” As a result the husband accepted the offer to share in the Bible study, and he has since made fine progress.