Have You Ever Wondered—
How Do We Know that God Exists?
TODAY more and more people are putting belief in God into the background. In fact, not a few question even the existence of God. In today’s age of materialism many feel: How can I believe in someone I’ve never seen?
Many persons say, ‘Yes.’ However, have you ever seen the wind? Because of what you see it do, whether it causes the branches of a tree to wave gently or sends them twisting and breaking to the ground, you are convinced that the wind exists. The same is true of electricity. You can see what it does—it lights your house or keeps your milk cold in the refrigerator—yet it is invisible.
There are many things that we cannot see. But the existence of these is not denied, because we can see, feel and hear the activity or the results of these things.
Since God cannot be seen, we must reason on his existence by looking at things around us that we can see. Consider our own bodies.
Our BRAIN is a supercomputer without equal in all the earth. “The brain,” reports one authority, “sorts one hundred million bits of data from the eyes, ears, nose and other sensory outposts each second . . . A computer capable of handling a single brain’s output would cover the entire earth.”
Our EYES have been described as natural cameras. They are perfect self-cleaning, self-focusing “cameras” that take three-dimensional pictures in living color.
Our VOCAL CORDS can produce not only speech but some of the most beautiful music to delight the human ear. The melodies that the human voice can produce have a beauty far excelling that of a finely tooled violin.
The electrical wiring of an automobile is most primitive when compared with our NERVOUS SYSTEM. This vast network transmits information to and from scores of our vital organs with an efficiency that dazzles scientists.
You personally may not have seen the maker of a computer, a camera, a violin or the electrical system of a car, yet you know that the designer of each did exist. His handiwork testifies to his existence and skill. Since no one will hesitate to say that each of these fine inventions had a designer and maker, is it not obvious that no less could be said of our body? “In a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made,” observed a wise king over 3,000 years ago.—Ps. 139:14.
Yes, there is a loving Designer of our bodies who is also the Creator of the entire universe. However, in spite of such logical reasoning, some persons will still say that there is no God.
There is a variety of reasons. The majority have doubts because of the following questions:
◻ How could God exist when there is so much wickedness on earth?
◻ Would belief in God restrict my lifestyle and take all the fun out of living?
◻ What about the hypocrisy among those who profess to believe in God?
◻ Is not such belief unscientific and old-fashioned?
Such questions need answering.
A Nobel Prize winner in the field of science stated: “An orderly unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered—‘In the beginning God’.” He was quoting the opening words of the “world’s best-seller,” the Bible—Gen. 1:1.
Though it is not a textbook on science, the Bible contains scientific knowledge far superior to what was known during the period of its writing. Because of this, and for other reasons,a many persons are convinced that this book was inspired by God and therefore is his communication to mankind.—2 Tim. 3:16.
The Bible gives satisfying answers to the aforementioned questions. Its answers reflect a wise and loving Creator who has in mind the lasting good of his creatures. From time to time, “Awake!” magazine discusses these and shows why the Bible’s answers draw a person to God and give hope and meaning to life.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are eager to help you to find these answers in your Bible. Free of charge, they will help you to build your confidence not only in God’s existence but also in his ability to solve permanently the many problems that now distress our earth. Gladly they will show you why they are convinced that God is the Rewarder of all “those earnestly seeking him.”—Heb. 11:6.
a See the book “Is the Bible Really the Word of God?” published by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
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vocal cords