From Our Readers
Court Case I cannot hold back from expressing my appreciation for the article “Christians Face Jerusalem’s High Court Again.” (November 8, 1994) I read it several times and was thrilled by what took place. Because Ariel Feldman took a firm position in favor of what is right, a marvelous witness was given.
A. I. B., Brazil
Batteries I work with batteries for a living and would like to thank you for the “Watching the World” item “Dangerous Batteries.” (August 22, 1994) But there was one important detail missing from the jump-starting instructions given by Snow Country magazine, namely, that the black cable should be the last connection made.
P. R., Canada
Thank you for the safety tip.—ED.
Awake! Brings Comfort I read the article “Magazines That Give Practical Comfort” (January 8, 1995), and I too have had success offering back issues of Awake! Generally people are grateful for any help they can get with their problems. One woman told me her son had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I placed the issue “Understanding Difficult Children” (November 22, 1994) with her, and she requested another 30 copies to share with friends!
D. Q., United States
After reading the article “Magazines That Give Practical Comfort,” I went through my older magazines to see if I could find some to leave with professionals. So far I have visited a day-care center, a couple of funeral homes, a youth detention center, a public school, and the county board of education. I quickly ran out of magazines!
D. R., United States
Singleness Thank you for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: When Singleness Is a Gift.” (February 8, 1995) Where I live, marriage is a big thing; Christian brothers and sisters push you toward it. I never thought much about marriage until I turned 30. Then I started feeling the need for a companion. I am grateful to Jehovah for providing this article at a time when I felt I could no longer endure.
E. M. A., United States
Two years ago I became a pioneer, a full-time evangelizer, and as time passes I realize more and more how satisfying it is to serve Jehovah “without distraction.” I decided to make room for singleness—the article arrived at exactly the right time.
G. V., Italy
Fads In your article “Young People Ask . . . Fads—Should I Jump on the Bandwagon?” (December 8, 1994), you mentioned tattooing. I was surprised that you did not make reference to the command at Leviticus 19:28: “You must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves.”
L. D., United States
These words do indeed give a measure of insight into God’s thinking on this matter. Of course, Christians are not under the Mosaic Law. (Colossians 2:14) Still, individuals would do well to bear this scripture in mind when deciding what to do in this regard. The reported health risks and the impression wearing a tattoo might give to others are additional factors that a Christian should weigh very seriously.—ED.
Six months ago I jumped on the fad bandwagon and hopped off with a tattoo on my ankle. Every time I look at my ankle, I am reminded of my decision. I can only wonder what doubts others might now have about my character. I also worry if I might be a cause for stumbling to others in the congregation. I’ll think more carefully next time the fad bandwagon pulls around.
S. C., United States