Happy Family Life Is Possible!
A WOMAN from the city of Maladzyechna, in Belarus, wrote to the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. She explained that she had a husband and two children. She wrote: “My husband and I love each other. However, I noticed that the longer we lived together, the more we got aggravated and argued, seemingly without any reason at all. A few months ago, a stranger stopped me on the street and gave me a tract entitled Enjoy Family Life. At first, my attention was drawn to the beautiful illustration of a happy family. Later I read the text and gave it to my husband to read.
“Like a miracle, our family life has not only improved but, I would say, changed to the very core. We now understand that being happy is not so difficult. All that is needed is a little earnest, heartfelt warmth and giving. What is necessary is to live according to God’s commandments, to love God and love people, including family and strangers.”
She concluded: “Life has become easier and happier. We want to continue to study the Bible and to teach our children.”
We believe that you too can benefit from the tract Enjoy Family Life. We will be pleased also to include the 192-page book entitled The Secret of Family Happiness. For your copy of both the tract and the book, please fill in the accompanying coupon and mail it to the address provided or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.
□ Supply me with a copy of the tract Enjoy Family Life and the book The Secret of Family Happiness.
□ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study.