From Our Readers
Communication I just had to write about the series “Communication—Vital to Life.” (September 22, 2003) It described the pattern seen throughout creation—creatures helping one another. Even plants signal to warn one another of predators! It will be wonderful when humans likewise learn to care for one another.
C. C., United States
I loved your descriptions of how animals communicate with one another. We cannot help but conclude that there is a God who is the source of all these wonderful things.
R. Z., Germany
I don’t have words to express the joy I experienced as I read those articles. What an incredible privilege we have of being able to communicate with God!
A. W., South Africa
This morning when I started reading, I was really feeling down. But the material on how insects communicate with one another made me laugh. I left for work with a smile on my face.
L. L., France
Tattoos Thank you very much for the article “Young People Ask . . . Should I Get a Tattoo?” (September 22, 2003) I really thought tattoos were cool and wanted to get a temporary tattoo sticker. However, the statement that we wouldn’t want to make markings on our body that dishonored God “even temporarily” really hit me. When I considered that wearing a tattoo could stumble others and cause others to view me as rebellious, I decided not to do so.
A. K., Japan
I would have really loved to get a tattoo. But this article helped me to realize that I might regret it later. You also noted the health dangers, which I had not considered. Thank you for such a convincing article.
D. T., France
Piñatas I read with interest the article “The Piñata—An Ancient Tradition.” (September 22, 2003) It left me with some questions. The ties to false religion are well-documented. But the article seemed to take the position that as long as it doesn’t bother someone’s conscience, it is OK. What about birthdays and holidays such as Christmas?
S. W., United States
“Awake!” responds: Christians refrain from any celebrations or customs that continue to involve false religious beliefs or activities that violate Bible principles. For example, the Bible definitely puts birthday celebrations in a bad light. (Genesis 40:20; Matthew 14:6-10) However, if it is very obvious that a custom has no current false religious significance and involves no violation of Bible principles, each Christian must make a personal decision as to whether he will follow such a custom.
Scientist’s Story Thank you so much for the splendid article “Science Was My Religion.” (September 22, 2003) Kenneth Tanaka was not afraid to face the facts. He also humbly admitted that what he had believed for many years had been wrong. He has the right spirit.
S. A., Russia
I have been suffering from depression, fighting the feelings of wanting to die. Then I read the question in Kenneth Tanaka’s article, “If nonexistence were the ultimate destiny, how could there be any meaning in existence?” This touched my heart. It was as if God were saying, “Go on living!”
C. I., Japan