Are Your Lips “Precious Vessels”?
● “There exists gold, also an abundance of corals; but the lips of knowledge are precious vessels,” wrote King Solomon of old. (Proverbs 20:15) Gold has always been highly valued, and in Solomon’s day, corals too were prized. Yet, our lips can be even more precious than these. How? Not because of their physical appearance, but because of the thoughts they express.
Precious lips radiate goodness, kindness, and love. And as “lips of knowledge,” they speak the truth about God as recorded in the Bible. Yes, this ancient book is filled with wisdom and truth about our Creator, as well as excellent advice for life.—John 17:17.
Sadly, many people misuse their lips by saying things about God that are untrue. For example, some blame him for the injustice and suffering in the world, much of which is mankind’s own doing. In this regard, Proverbs 19:3 states: “Some people ruin themselves by their own stupid actions and then blame the Lord.”—Today’s English Version.
Others cheapen the value of their lips through insincere speech, hurtful gossip, or even slander. Using powerful imagery, Proverbs 26:23 reads: “As a silver glazing overlaid upon a fragment of earthenware are fervent lips along with a bad heart.” Like “silver glazing” that conceals the underlying earthenware, “fervent lips,” which convey strong feelings and even sincerity, may in fact conceal “a bad heart.”—Proverbs 26:24-26.
Of course, such badness is not hidden from God. He sees what we really are! Accordingly, Jesus Christ said: “Cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the dish, that the outside of it also may become clean.” (Matthew 23:26) How true! Moreover, internal cleanness, or purity, along with a heart filled with spiritual truth, will be reflected in our words. The result? Our lips will be “precious vessels,” especially in the eyes of God.
[Picture on page 19]
The lips of the wise are “precious vessels”