Principle: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.”—Rom. 12:15.
What Jesus Did
1. Watch the VIDEO, or read Mark 6:30-34. Then consider the following questions:
Why were Jesus and his apostles hoping “to be by themselves”?
What motivated Jesus to teach the crowd?
What Do We Learn From Jesus?
2. Empathy moves us to care about people, not just about our message.
Imitate Jesus
3. Listen carefully. Allow the person to express himself. Do not interrupt him or quickly dismiss his feelings, concerns, or objections. By paying attention, you show him that you care about what he thinks.
4. Think about the interested person. Based on your conversations with him, ask yourself:
‘Why does he need to hear the truth?’
‘How would studying the Bible make his daily life and his future better?’
5. Share information that addresses his needs. As soon as possible, demonstrate how a Bible study can answer his questions and can help him in practical ways.